Our five top tips to get the most out of your psychology sessions

Psychological therapy can be a powerful tool for improving your well-being and creating a fulfilling life. To help you get the most out of your psychology sessions, the team at Headstrong Psychology has compiled their five top tips.  

Create space before and after your sessions 

For many people, it has never been easier to attend their psychology sessions. The options to work from home, study online, and attend psychology sessions via telehealth have been a game changer. Yet, it can be tempting to squeeze a session into a very busy day, giving you little time to prepare for and reflect on the session. 

To get the most out of your sessions, we recommend taking time before and after your session. Check in with yourself and think about what you would like to focus on in the session. Reflect on what you learnt and how you might approach things differently in your life. 

Clarify your goals

Having a clear vision of what you want to achieve in your sessions is essential. Whether you come in with a game plan or need a little help figuring it out, setting goals with your psychologist is key. 

Goals help you and your psychologist make a plan, work together effectively, and track your progress. Having a roadmap can give you a sense of direction and motivation. Making progress on your goals can boost your confidence and give you a sense of achievement. 

Extend reflection beyond the sessions

Don’t limit your self-reflection to the therapy room. Take time to reflect on the insights you make in session and how these relate to your thoughts, feelings, and behaviour between sessions. This will help you spot unhelpful responses and patterns, and use what you’ve learnt in your everyday life. Your insights and progress can then be further explored and refined with your psychologist at the next session. 

Embrace active participation

Therapy is a team effort. Your psychologist is there to help you make changes, by offering new ways of thinking and responding to situations. But, it’s up to you to use them in your everyday life. You need to practice what you discuss to make positive and long-lasting changes.  

Be kind to yourself

Psychological therapy can be a challenging process. Opening up, discussing your struggles, and making changes can be confronting. Remember, change takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself through the ups and downs of the process. You are doing the work needed to create real change!

Therapy Tips




Our five top tips to get the most out of your psychology sessions

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